发布时间 2019-04-23
The Propell® workshop is a 1-day professional development program designed to help English-language teachers meet the challenges of teaching English to students. The workshop uses examples f...阅读(348)
发布时间 2019-04-23
The TOEFL® Test Is the Most Widely Accepted English-language Test in the WorldStudents can go anywhere because TOEFL® scores are accepted by more than 10,000 college...阅读(90)
发布时间 2019-04-29
Test takers can prove they are ready for academic success with the TOEFL® test — the most widely respected English-language proficiency test in the world. TOEFL test scores are accepted by&n...阅读(134)
发布时间 2019-04-23
Now Is the Right Time to Get the AdvantageIn times of economic change, competition increases and higher education institutions and employers seek individuals with the best credentials and skills. A de...阅读(39)
发布时间 2019-04-28
就像吃药要看说明书一样,考托福口语之前也一定要了解清楚托福口语评分标准。在听说读写中,托福口语似乎是中国考生**头疼的一块,既灵活又难以把握。那么托福口语评分都有哪些标准呢?下面温斯顿英语小编来给你介绍介绍,并且分享一些实用的高分秘诀。 一、托福口语评分标准是什么 1.语言表达 语言表达包括了“语音清楚度”和“速度节奏”,而中国考生一般做得比较薄弱的就是语音...阅读(88)
发布时间 2019-04-23
说起托福考试,**难的就是托福听力,很多考生在备考过程中常常吐槽:托福听力听不懂怎么办?托福听力应该怎么训练呢?其实想要提升托福听力,绝非一朝一夕的事情,**重要的还是要掌握正确的练习方法。市面上有很多托福培训班的老师也会分享很多有效的备考方法,但并不是每个人都适用。下面温斯顿英语教给大家的方法是集合各路托福听力大神的经验总结而来,不妨一起看看吧! 一、精听tpo 提高听力很多考生...阅读(64)